Cantina Zehnhof

Via Rosmini 52A
38030 Roverè della Luna (TN)
Italy, Trentino Alto Adige

Tipologia: Cantine
Nazione: Italia

Tyrolean inspiration and Italian liveliness.

“Kellerei Zehnhof” (“the Farm at Ten”) is located on the Rovere della Luna cone,
along that invisible border that now separates the Province of Trento from that of
Bolzano. And sheltered from the icy winter winds blowing from the west, it gazes at the shadow
of the imposing walls that surround the Salorno dam, standing out on the plain cradled over millennia by the clear waters of the Adige River.

In addition to the area’s great classics, the indigenous Gewurztraminer and Lagrein, here,
with stylistic rigor, His Majesty Pinot Nero and an astonishing Trento DOC are produced.

The People, the Vineyards, the Terroir

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